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Icon Healthy
Icon Safe
Icon Achieving
Icon Nurtured
Icon Active
Icon Respected
Icon Responsible
Icon Included
SHANARRI wheel diagram


At Sunflower Nursery we follow the Getting It Right for Every Child (GIRFEC) approach which uses eight main indicators of wellbeing, known as the SHANARRI indicators. The Well-being Indicators are the basic requirements for all children and young people to grow, develop and reach their full potential.
The Indicators are used along with staff knowledge and professional judgement during the assessment and planning process and are illustrated in the wellbeing wheel opposite.

Safe: Protected from abuse, neglect or harm

Healthy: High standards of physical and mental health; support to make healthy, safe choices

Achieving: Support and guidance in learning – boosting skills, confidence & self-esteem

Nurtured: Having a nurturing and stimulating place to live and grow

Active: Opportunities to take part in a wide range of activities

Respected: Given a voice, and involved in the decisions that affect their well being

Responsible: Taking an active role within their schools and communities

Included: Getting help and guidance to overcome inequalities; full members of the communities in which they live and learn

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