Rainbow room
Our Rainbow Room children benefit from an extensive variety of resources and experiences which are available both indoors and outdoors allowing children to follow their interests to expand their knowledge and their individual needs. Learning opportunities are designed to enhance learning through play and our attainment levels in literacy and numeracy confirm that this is an excellent way for young children to develop and achieve.
Our spacious light filled room is designed with areas for children to explore and develop their interests at their own pace supported by staff who are skilled in knowing where support is needed and when independence should be encouraged. Areas include sand, water, malleable, arts and crafts, role play, science, numeracy, writing with our interactive Smart board and computers to extend and enhance learning.
The outdoor area is safe and secure with decked flooring, artificial grass, dens, sand and water and mud kitchen, along with a wide variety of stimulating outdoor play resources. Our allotment area allows children to experience the joy and wonder of planting vegetables and follow their journey through growth to harvest. We also have 2 all weather outdoor classrooms perfect for supporting play, learning and wellbeing all year round.
We pride ourselves in ensuring that, when children leave nursery to transition on to school, they do so confidently, independently and with high levels of attainment. We have excellent links with all local primary schools in the areas and further afield. Children go to school taking with them the enjoyment of learning and pride in their achievements. Parents continuously comment about the outstanding impact we have made on their child’s learning and readiness for school.
Children’s progress and attainment is regularly recorded on their Learning Journals by staff. Parents will be given a unique and individual sign in code enabling parents to login and follow your own child’s progress throughout their time at nursery. The profile can be viewed at any time. Parents are encouraged to contribute to your child’s learning journals throughout their journey.
Staff are guided by Curriculum for Excellence and Realising the Ambition.