Sunflower's curriculum
At Sunflower Nursery we understand that the early years of a child’s life are crucial to their development and our practitioners work to ensure that every child gets the best possible start in their education at our nursery. We provide a safe, secure, welcoming and happy environment for children aged 0-5 years and are committed to creating environments for learning that will enrich and develop your child’s individual abilities at their own pace.
For children aged 0 to 3 years we follow the guidance contained in the ‘Pre-Birth to Three Document – Positive Outcomes for Scotland’s Children and Families’ and ‘Getting it Right for Every Child’ (GIRFEC). We ensure sensitive and respectful approaches and interactions that are beneficial to children and families and promote the Rights of the Child, Relationships, Responsive Care and Respect.
For children aged 3 to 5 years old, we follow the Curriculum for Excellence for children to ensure high quality experiences that promote a child’s development and learning in all 8 areas of the curriculum enabling your child to become a confident individual, an effective contributor, a successful learner and a responsible citizen, these are identified in the Curriculum for Excellence as the “four capacities”.
The well-being of children and young people is at the heart of ‘Getting It Right For Every Child’ and targets eight areas of wellbeing which support children to be: Safe, Healthy, Achieving, Nurtured, Active, Respected, Responsible and Included (SHANARRI).

Sunflower Nursery are also guided by and follow best practice as indicated by Building The Ambition, Health and Social Care Standards, How Good is our Early Learning and Childcare and the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) Codes of Practice namely :-
Treat every child as an individual and meet additional needs regardless of gender, race, nationality and culture without discriminating
Encourage equal opportunities for all children and adults involved with the nursery.
Recognise the value of parents input and encourage them to share in their children’s learning.
Promote positive behaviour by praising, encouraging and being attentive to the needs of the children.
Continually assess the guidance available from all sources, particularly government departments and have best practice in all areas.
Value all staff highly and ensure that every opportunity is given to each staff member to develop their personal skills and to broaden their knowledge and skills in caring for and educating your children.