Curriculum for Excellence
At Sunflower Nursery we promote play-based education and adhere to national guidance from the Curriculum for Excellence (CfE). We provide a rich and inclusive curriculum integrating the principles of the curriculum, encouraging children to maximise their potential and be:
Successful Learners, Confident Individuals, Effective Contributors and Responsible Citizens.
Additionally, the CfE highlights 3 Core Areas for Learning:
Health & Wellbeing
Learning experiences planned by our staff are flexible and responsive to children’s changing needs and build on children’s prior knowledge. Children are partners in the learning process, actively participating in the planning, shaping and directing of their own learning. Staff support children sensitively, enabling children to make good, informed choices.
Our playroom provides a safe and stimulating environment for children where they are able to move freely within the nursery in full view of staff at all times. Children are motivated to develop and learn through discovery, exploration and creative play balanced with high quality staff supported learning experiences.
Staff are knowledgeable and skilled at creating exciting, engaging and relevant opportunities for children to learn across a broad curriculum, covering science, languages, mathematics, social studies (including Scottish history), expressive arts, health and wellbeing, religious and moral education and technology.