Nursery Policies: full policies are available on request
Parental participation
Sunflower Nursery recognises the important part that parents have to play in the delivery of quality childcare and learning for young children. We believe that parental involvement contributes enormously to the effective way in which we operate. Parents are welcome to come to the setting at any time to spend time with their child and assist with activities, hence becoming involved in the overall support network we provide for children and their families.
The importance of continuity between home and the nursery cannot be over-stressed. Our aim is to develop an honest, open and supportive relationship with you which complements life in your home rather than contradicts it. We are very aware of our influence as role models to the children within the nursery and without your extensive knowledge of your child we would be unable to enhance their development.
Nursery staff are always available to discuss your child and their development.
Children, parents and staff will be given the opportunity to express their views and for those views to be listened to and taken account of.
Methods of involvement will be accessible and relevant to all and take account of sensitivities. The views of children, parents and staff will be recognised and will be reflected in nursery practice.
We will:
Make all new parents aware of the nursery’s policies and consult with all parents/ carers about the times of open forum meetings to avoid excluding anyone.
Ensure that parents are informed on a regular basis about their child’s progress. Parents will be informed of their child’s Key person so that information can be exchanged. (Parents are welcome to join any session to observe their child playing and learning).
Ensure that all parents have opportunities to contribute from their own skills, knowledge and interests to the activities of the group – specific areas / groups will be suggested at different times throughout the year to better inform parents of the help needed and we will welcome the contributions of parents in whatever form these may be.
Involve parents in shared record keeping about their own child, either formally or informally.
Ensure that all parents are fully informed about meetings, conferences, workshops and training through displays on the notice board, newsletters and the website.
Provide opportunities for parents to learn about the nursery school curriculum and about young children’s learning, in the nursery school and at home.
The nursery will continue to monitor and expand participation methods.
Equal opportunities
Every child will be valued as an individual without discrimination on the basis of race, gender or ability.
The principle of equal opportunities will apply to all children, parents and staff in terms of admissions, care and special needs.
We will not discriminate on grounds of sex, race, colour or religion, nationality, ethnic or national origins.
Materials and information on policies/equal opportunities will be made available to all staff and parents.
Parents will be treated as equal partners and be encouraged to participate in their child’s education.
We will respond to the religious and cultural needs of children and families from ethnic minorities.
We will recognise and celebrate all cultural festivals.
We encourage commitment to combat prejudice and injustice within the nursery and in society as a whole.
We take action to counter and prevent the undermining or harassment of individuals or groups either of service users or staff.
Parents, staff and children should feel that they are treated fairly and respected.
Parents and staff from different social backgrounds should work effectively together.
The nursery will provide staff training and development in equal opportunities issues.
The nursery will promote a curriculum which challenges discriminatory attitudes, practices and outcomes and responds effectively to social and cultural diversity.
Staff will be expected to adhere to this policy and carry out procedures to reduce or eliminate any aspects of equal opportunities that may be encountered.
Data Protection / Privacy
How we use your information
This privacy policy explains how Sunflower Nursery Ltd use any personal information we collect about you when you complete our Application and Information forms.
This includes:
What information do we collect about you?
How will we use the information about you?
Where your information is kept and for how long
Who we share your data with
Access to your information and correction
What information do we collect about you?
We collect information about your child, including your name, date of birth, address, emergency contacts including parent/ carer details, sessions of attendance, allergies, likes and dislikes, characteristics such as ethnic group, special educational needs and any relevant medical information. Allergies, special diet, details of doctor, health visitor, immunizations, permissions, contact with other agencies etc.
We will adhere to the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) Privacy policies which are:
• We have a lawful reason for collecting personal data and must do it in a fair and transparent way
• We will only use the data for the reason it is initially obtained
• We will not collect any more data than is necessary
• Our data will be accurate and there are mechanisms in place to keep it up to date
• We will not keep data any longer than needed
• We will protect the personal data
All staff and parents are required to sign up to date Data Protection consent forms in accordance to GDPR
How will we use the information about you?
We collect this information to support your child’s development, to monitor and plan for their progress and provide appropriate care. To inform you of updates and invoices via email. To contact you for any matter regarding your child. Information is also used in line with West Dunbartonshire Council to ensure that the nursery receives the commission place funding entitlement for your children.
Where your information is kept and for how long?
A copy of this information will be kept in your child’s file in the office both on paper (in locked files) and electronically. This information is kept for a reasonable period of time for 3 years after your child has left the nursery or until the child reaches the age of 21 for child protection records.
Who we share your data with?
The information you provide in relation to your child, you as parents/carers and others detailed is confidential and will therefore only be shared with whom it is necessary and only relevant information to that person or body will be shared. For example, Management will have access to this information, your child’s keyworker and staff based in your child’s room will have access to certain information to keep your child safe, be aware of medical, allergies and diet, be able to contact you and your emergency contacts.
It may also be necessary to share certain information with our Additional support Officer, Child Protection Officer and Early Stages Teacher.
We are required by law to pass some information to West Dunbartonshire Council as the Local Authority (LA) and the Department for Education (DfE) for Commission Place entitlement and annual Early Years Census. This information includes your child’s name, date of birth, home address, the number of Funded Entitlement hours you are accessing for your child, Birth certificate number.
From time to time Sunflower Nursery are required to pass on some of this data to Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Education (HMIe), Care Inspectorate or Social Services. These organizations also have a duty to comply with GDPR.
Access to your information and correction
You may at any time ask to see this information and make any changes if it is incorrect. You can do this by making the request to your keyworker, the Nursery Manager: Susannah Turnbull or the Data Protection Officer: Susan Greig on 0141 952 4415 or at Sunflower Nursery, 24-26 Beardmore Way, Clydebank Industrial estate, Clydebank, G81 4HT
If in the unfortunate event of a breach of data we will immediately inform the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) and follow their guidelines in accordance with the GDPR.
Health and safety policy
Purpose of Policy
At Sunflower Nursery we provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions, equipment and systems of work for all our employee and a safe, early learning environment in which children learn and are cared for. To develop and promote a strong health and safety culture within the nursery for the benefit of all staff, children and parents, we provide information, training and supervision.
We are committed to maintaining our high standards of quality and safety and to continually improving health and safety performance by implementing all necessary health and safety procedures.
Sunflower Nursery Recognises that a systematic approach to health and safety, based on systematic risk assessment procedures (see risk assessment policy for more information) can minimise injury and ill health to staff and children and the connection between quality and health and safety.
Sunflower Nursery is committed to:
Developing the appropriate setting structure and culture, that supports the concept of risk management by all members of the staff team and children where appropriate.
Adequately resourcing health and safety measures including planning and implementation of any health and safety requirements.
Developing, in all members of the staff team, an understanding of health and safety, through training in health and safety requirements and risk assessment implementation.
Continual monitoring and evaluation of health and safety requirements in line with current legislation, including the review of all policies and practices to ensure that Sunflower Nursery continues to improve standards of performance.
Who is Responsible?
It is the responsibility of all members of staff to ensure that health and safety regulations are adhered to and that the health and safety of the children and other members of staff are not compromised in any way.
It is the responsibility of the manager to ensure that the health and safety of the setting as a whole remains within legislative requirements and that the health and safety of all setting users, including children, staff and parents and carers is not compromised in any way.
Parents and carers are required to sign their child in and out of the setting each day. This is in accordance with health and safety and fire regulations. Daily registers are checked regularly throughout the day by management and senior staff.
Child Protection
All members of staff will receive child protection policy as part of their induction. All members of staff are instructed in the specific procedure for Sunflower Nursery (West Dunbartonshire) especially as regards disclosures and suspicions of child abuse. (See Child Protection Policy for further information)
Accidents and Incidents
All members of staff receive first aid training as part of their induction training; in addition all members of staff are instructed in the correct procedures for dealing with accidents and incidents including completion of documentation. The setting has separate accident and incident books which are used to document each accident and incident that takes place in the setting. (See Accident and Injury and Incident Policies for further information).
Emergency Procedure
There is a documented procedure for emergencies which is displayed in all areas of Sunflower Nursery. All members of staff are trained in the emergency procedure and fire drill evacuations take place once per month. (See Fire and Emergency Policies and Procedures for further information).
In accordance with Sunflower Nursery registration and booking policy children will not be admitted into nursery if they are showing signs of an illness or ailment which may be contagious. Sunflower Nursery uses guidance from Health Protection Agency to determine the exclusion guidance for contagious illnesses.
If a child becomes unwell during the course of the session, members of staff will ensure that the child is comfortable but does not pose any risk to the other children in the setting. The member of staff will contact the child's parent or carer and observe the child closely until they are collected.
Administration of Medications
All administration of medications are strictly controlled and done in accordance with the Medicine Administration Policy and Procedure.
Risk Assessment of Activities, Trips and Outings
All activities that take place both within the confines of Sunflower Nursery and outwith the premises have been assessed for risk and controls have been put in place to ensure that any hazards have been minimised. (See Risk Assessment Policy for further information).
Personal Hygiene
All members of staff and children are encouraged to maintain an acceptable level of personal hygiene, and procedures are in place to ensure that standards are met. (See Personal Hygiene Policy for further information).
Maintenance and Storage of Equipment
Sunflower Nursery has a wide variety of equipment and materials that are used by the children in the course of their play and learning at the setting. All equipment is bought with consultation with the children from approved suppliers and is checked to ensure compliance with the British Safety Standards. All equipment is well maintained and checked on a regular basis to ensure that it presents to risk to the health and safety of the children. Equipment and materials which do pose a hazard but which have an evidenced benefit on the development of children are used under constant supervision and stored securely after use.
The Premises
The premises that Sunflower Nursery operates from are regulated by the Care Inspectorate and are regularly inspected. In addition to this the premises have also been inspected by the Health and Safety Executive and a fire risk assessment has been completed to ensure that it complies with relevant legislation. The nursery carries out a yearly building maintenance check and members of staff check the premises each day to ensure that there are no risks or hazards that would compromise the health and safety of the children, parents and carers or staff. At the end of the session members of staff ensure that the premises are left clean, safe, tidy and secure.
Safety and Security
Sunflower Nursery feels that the safety and security of the children, parents and carers and staff are paramount to the running of the setting. A secure entry system is in place to ensure that only persons with a legitimate reason for being on the premises have access. Internal door security is also in place. Parents must sign their children in and out of the nursery daily. Visitors, other than parents and carers collecting their children must pre-arrange their visits and carry identification; all visitors must make themselves known to a member of staff upon entry, stating their name and reason for visiting. Visitors are required to sign themselves in and out of the building and must be accompanied by a member of staff at all times.
Sunflower Nursery operates a strict no smoking policy, this means that there is no smoking:
On setting premises
During setting time
During preparation time
During clear up time
At staff training days
At staff meetings
At any gathering organised by the setting (unless it is a social gathering out with setting time and out with of the premises).
All staff breaks are arranged with the setting co-ordinator to ensure that the care of the children is not compromised. If a member of staff wishes to smoke during these times they are required to leave the premises and the grounds of the setting and remain out of sight of the children.
The no smoking policy also applies to parents, carers and visitors to the setting; Sunflower Nursery believes that this is in the best interests of the children and staff.
Health and safety: staff responsibilities
To read and adhere to all nursery policies.
To ensure a safe environment, keeping entrances and exits clear at all times.
To check all equipment is in good order, appropriately safe and clean, before use, on a daily basis and dispose of or repair any damaged equipment (inform nursery manager).
To complete the outside check and complete form before taking children outside.
Any spillages to be mopped or swept up appropriately.
To be good role models for children when using equipment.
To encourage children to take appropriate risks by assessing and managing risks effectively. Help the children to learn for themselves and be involved in health and safety issues.
To ensure all children are encouraged to wipe their noses or help them to do this depending on their age, disposing of tissues appropriately.
To ensure all staff wash their hands before meals or food preparation and regularly throughout the day when necessary.
To ensure all children wash their hands before meals and wash their hands and faces after meals.
To ensure bathrooms and eating areas of rooms are regularly cleaned during the day.
To use appropriate cleaning materials (storing them in child proof cupboards when not in use) and appropriate cloths. Red/bathroom, green/kitchen, food Blue/play areas.
To ensure appropriate safety at meal times, food at correct temperature , appropriate behaviour of children, handling cutlery safely, etc.
Record any accidents of children or staff on appropriate forms and administer the necessary first aid, informing carer at the end of the day or sooner, via the manager, if necessary.
Follow correct procedure for administering medicines.
To use necessary protective clothing when changing nappies or dealing with bodily fluids. (wash hands after).
To be aware of and carry out security procedure for answering the door.
To be aware of the emergency evacuation procedure.
To be aware of location of first aid boxes and fire fighting equipment.
To take all reasonable care of their own and others' personal health and safety when carrying out nursery activities.
Prevention of infection policy
This policy is designed to ensure that a safe, healthy environment is maintained at Sunflower Nursery. The nursery recognises that infections can spread quickly amongst children in a childcare environment therefore we will endeavour to ensure that infections are controlled and good health and hygiene practices are maintained.
All staff will receive a copy of the nursery policy on infection control
Staff will also take part in regular training sessions on infection control through WDC in house training and external agencies
Handouts, leaflets, memos on infection control will be made available to staff and parents keeping them up to date on health news
Confirmed cases of infectious illnesses will be posted on the notice board to alert parents (individual’s privacy will be respected)
Who is responsible
It is the responsibility of the manager to ensure that any children, parents and members of staff who have a contagious illness are excluded from the nursery for the recommended period of time.
The manager has a responsibility to inform parents and carers when their child enters the setting with a contagious illness, the manager must also inform all parents if more than 10% of the children attending the setting have a contagious illness.
All members of staff have a responsibility to ensure that any children who arrive at the setting unwell the child’s parent /carer must speak to management /senior staff before a decision is made and whether the child should remain at nursery or go home.
All members of staff have a responsibility to ensure that they do not attend the session if they have an infectious illness, this will assist the nursery to prevent the spread of any infectious illness.
How will we implement the policy? Sunflower aims to prevent the spread of infectious illnesses by adhering to the following procedures
Excluding children with infectious illnesses and infections for the recommended period of time (please see the NHS Exclusion Guidelines for further information.)
Excluding all members of staff with infectious illnesses and infections for the recommended period of time.
Identifying signs of illness in children and staff whilst they are in the setting.
Informing parents and carers of sick children that their children are ill, and arranging for them to be collected at the earliest opportunity.
Limiting the contact of sick children with other children until they can be collected from the setting, taking into consideration the sensitivity of the situation and that
Preventing the spread of infection by adhering to the settings health and safety policy, personal hygiene policy and food safety policy and procedures.
Reporting incidences of certain infections to other parents and members of staff involved
Dealing with children who become unwell
If a child becomes ill during the day, the parents/carers will be contacted and asked to pick up their child as soon as possible. During this time the child will be cared for in a quiet calm area with their key person or another familiar member of staff within the child’s room.
Should a child have an infectious disease such as sickness and diarrhoea they should not return to nursery until they have been clear for at least 48 hours.
We follow the advice given to us by the (NHS Exclusion Criteria for Day care Settings) and exclude specific contagious conditions, e.g. sickness and diarrhoea and chicken pox to protect other children in the nursery. Illnesses of this nature are very contagious and it is exceedingly unfair to expose other children to the risk of an infection.
If a contagious infection is identified in the nursery parents will be informed to enable them to spot the early signs of this illness. All equipment and resources that may have come into contact with a contagious child will be cleaned and sterilised thoroughly to reduce the spread of infection.
When a child is ill the first dose of medication must be administered at home to ensure the child does not suffer an allergic reaction to their prescribed medicine
The nursery will not administer any medicine that has not been prescribed by their doctor, pharmacist or dentist
Children will not be not be admitted to the nursery if they are showing signs of any ailment that could be contagious or could affect the settings ability to care for the child and other children in attendance.
If a child becomes unwell at nursery
Children who become unwell whilst at nursery will be made comfortable and treated with sensitivity and respect, they will be cared for by their keyworker or a familiar member of staff until their parent or carer can collect them. The dignity of the child will remain paramount, and staff will put measures in place to ensure the risk of the spread of any infection is minimised.
In instances where medication is administered as a form of treatment, such medication will be administered in accordance with the administration of medicine policy and will only be administered with express permission of the child’s parent, any and all administration of medications will be recorded in the child’s medical consent form.
The person collecting the child will be asked to check and sign the child’s medical consent form.
A child’s parent or carer will be contacted upon a child becoming unwell and will be asked to come and collect the child or make alternative arrangements for the child to be collected as soon as possible. Where the parent or carer cannot be contacted the nursery will contact the child’s emergency contact provided on the registration form. The person collecting the child will be asked to sign the child’s medical consent registration form.
Medicinal policy, procedure and management of medicines
The nursery will not issue any medication that has not been prescribed to the child.
First dose of any medicine will be administered by parents to monitor for any allergic reactions.
Medication must have a prescription label with the child’s name on it and be stored in a high cupboard or locked fridge in individual containers with lids. Prescription labels will be checked for instructions against parent’s requirements. The nursery can only administer in line with prescription. Medicines will be checked every 28 days by keyworkers and overseen by health and safety officer. Medicines will be reissued by parents if still required.
All medicines will be returned annually at the beginning of each school year (August) and parents will need to reissue and fill in new forms if medicine is to remain at nursery. For ongoing medicine i.e. inhalers, parents will be required to sign off as and when required.
Parents are required to fill in relevant medical consent forms. Parents are also required to state the last dose of medicine given to their child before they arrive at the nursery. Expiry date will be checked and monitored by member of staff.
Appropriate information from parents on illness and instructions on the details of the administration of medicine will be passed on to a member of staff.
All medicine will administered by the child’s keyworker or a member of the senior team and will be witnessed by another member of staff and signed by both. Gloves must be worn when administering medicine including creams, eye drops etc.
For a course of medicine, parents will be asked to consent at the beginning of each week and daily after administration.
The nursery is unable to store medicines unless the child has an ongoing medical condition. Any individual children who do require medicine stored at nursery i.e. paracetamol, emollients – parents will inform nursery of symptoms which would require the prescribed medication.
If a child spits out the medicine parents will be contacted for further instruction regarding re administration. Medicines will not be re administered more than once.
If a child is given too much medicine the nursery will contact parents and NHS24 for advice.
When the course is complete parents/staff sign off and the medicine goes home.
Parents will be offered a service to dispose of finished medicine if required.
Consent forms are then stored in personal profile. Current medicinal consent forms will be kept discreetly for staff use. Children’s special dietary requirements are kept in their personal folder and discretely for staff reference.
Policy on Paracetamol
Parents at Sunflower use a variety of brands of paracetamol which they bring on a daily basis or keep at nursery to be administered as and when required.
The storage and administration of medicines at nursery is strictly monitored by staff and the management team to ensure children’s health and safety at all times.
Some brands state a shelf life as well as an expiry date on the medicine. With this in mind and after looking closely with parents at how this could be safely managed we have decided to create the following policy.
The nursery will follow the current Medicinal Policy, Procedures and Management of Medicines.
The nursery will ensure that all brands of paracetamol medicine with a shelf life will be administered up to within 2 months of the prescription date. Paracetamol with an expiry date only can be administered up to expiry date.
Healthy eating / food and drink
At Sunflower we regard meal times and snack times as an essential part of the children’s daily routine; a time which provides valuable opportunities for learning and for adults and children to enjoy each other’s company. Eating together is a social time for children and adults to share conversations, jokes and even songs. The adult at the meal table has the opportunity to role-model social behaviour such as active listening and courteous table manners to the children in a relaxed atmosphere and the children enjoy the opportunity to socialise in small groups or even one to one.
We help children to understand the importance of a healthy diet by ensuring that we provide healthy, well balanced and nutritious meals and snacks; and that our staff members talk to the children about the choices they can make to stay healthy. We understand that we have a responsibility for the welfare of all the children who attend our nursery and we therefore adhere to Health and Safety requirements and Food Hygiene procedures. We conduct regular risk assessments and have effective systems in place to ensure the safety, health and well being of the children in our care.
We record information from the parents and carers about any special dietary requirements, preferences or food allergies their child may have so that we meet each child’s individual needs. We satisfy the food and drink requirements for; Health and Social Care Standards, Curriculum for Excellence and Pre-Birth to Three. Staff at Sunflower take part in regular training on Food Hygiene and Allergen awareness.
Our processes and routines during mealtimes support the principles of The Health and Social Care Standards and promote health and wellbeing outcomes reflecting Curriculum for Excellence and Pre- Birth to Three, and underpinning our policy is the theme of ensuring – positive relationships an enabling environments which supports the learning and development of each unique child. Aim
To ensure that our setting provides nutritionally balanced and varied meals and snacks which meet the cultural and dietary requirements of all the children in our care. To work in partnership with parents to develop and support healthy eating habits which will not only promote their children’s growth and development while young but which will also provide a strong foundation for health and well being in their adult life
We are committed to giving the children in our care the best start in life, we understand that we must provide them with nutritionally sound and varied meals and snacks.
We understand that in helping children learn how to make healthy eating choices, we are helping them to develop habits which not only support their growth and development in childhood but which will also help them to grow into healthy adults
We regularly consult with parents to ensure that our records of their child’s dietary needs, including any allergies, are kept up to date.
We comply with all environmental health requirements for food preparation and storage.
All children and staff wash their hands before eating and before preparing any food
Tables are cleaned with antibacterial spray before every meal and all food preparation areas are cleaned before use.
Meals and snacks are consumed in a hygienic and safe area of the playroom which is thoroughly cleaned after each meal.
All children learn from early on that they must sit down while eating or drinking they are also shown to eat independently, serve themselves and pour their own water/milk
We understand that mealtimes must be calm, organised and well supervised, to reduce the risk of choking, to ensure that all dietary requirements are followed and to give all children enough time to consume the amounts of food they want/need and to make sure that they all access fresh drinking water.
Through discussion with parents/carers and research by our staff we collect information about the dietary rules and requirements of the different religious groups we have represented at Sunflower as well as details about different food allergies and intolerances. We take account of this information in the provision of food and drink.
We actively encourage our parent’s/carers opinions, ideas and suggestions for healthy lunch and snack menus
We require staff to show sensitivity in providing for children’s diets and allergies
We organise meal and snack times so that they are social occasions in which children and staff participate
We use meal and snack times to help children to develop independence through making choices, serving themselves food and drink
There is a constant supply of drinking water throughout the day for children to help themselves.
Nursery menus
The nursery manager and staff ensure;
Parents and children contribute ideas for menus and snacks
Menus reflect the children’s varied and cultural background
Menus are displayed so that parents and staff know what is being provided along with the allergen content
Staff regularly share information with parents about what and how their child has eaten during the day.
Sunflower Nursery offers a 3-week rotating menu.
Staff are trained in;
Food hygiene
Allergen awareness
Infection control and update their training within the allotted timescales
Child protection policy
The nursery will review this policy and update yearly to ensure that we are following the correct guidance from interagency guidelines as set by West Dunbartonshire Council.
We will cooperate fully with all agencies that are involved in any concern/incident.
We will ensure that staff have ongoing training on child protection enabling them to identify children who may be at risk and follow correct procedures.
Parents/carers are made aware of nursery policies and relevant handouts and pamphlets including ‘It’s everyone’s Job to make sure I’m alright’ are available at the parent’s station.
If the nursery has a concern or suspects that a child is at risk they will follow Sunflower Child Protection procedures in line with WDC GIRFEC procedure guidelines.
We will provide a secure and child friendly environment ensuring that children are safe, healthy, achieving, nurtured, active, respected, responsible and included.
We will give the necessary and appropriate support to children and families ensuring that confidentiality is a key issue at all times. If a child is at risk, this information will need to be shared with other agencies who will act to protect the child.
We will develop children’s social and personal skills within the learning environment and provide learning opportunities which aim to promote children’s health and wellbeing.
We will keep all up to date records of all concerns in a secure and confidential file.
Complaints policy
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that any complaints about the service are handled quickly, effectively and courteously and solutions are implemented which satisfy both the customer and the setting.
Who is Responsible
It is the responsibility of the manager to ensure that all customer complaints are handled. Staff would refer a complaint to the management team.
In the event of a customer wanting to complain about a member of staff or incident at Sunflower Nursery please follow the following guidelines.
Speak to a member of staff about the complaint giving the member of staff as much information as possible. The member of staff will report the complaint to the manager and complete a customer complaint form. The manager will acknowledge receipt of the complaint in writing to the customer within 7 working days of receipt of the complaint form.
The complaint will then be investigated and an action plan drawn up to address the issue. The action plan will be discussed with the customer and agreed. This process will be recorded on the complaint form; all complaints should be resolved within 28 days of the complaint being made.
Once made aware of the complaint the manager must record the complaint on the customer complaint log, all complaints are given a unique reference number and only the name of the complainant is given on the form. This information is available to any person with a legitimate reason for the request.
If the customer feels unable to speak to a member of staff they should send their complaint in writing to the manager who will acknowledge the complaint within 7 days and respond to it within 28 days of receipt of the letter.
If a complaint relates to the manager or, if the customer feels unable to address the complaint with the Nursery, please send the complaint in writing to Care Inspectorate.
Similarly if the complaint is not dealt with to your satisfaction please contact the Care Inspectorate.
Care Inspectorate, 4th Floor, No1 Smithhills Street, Paisley, PA1 1EB. Telephone: 0141 843 6840