Baby room
Before starting nursery, your baby will have the opportunity to spend short periods of time at nursery before their start date. This will help them to become familiar with their new environment, friends, keyworker and other adults who will be there to help them. This is also a good time for parents to build positives relationships with their keyworker.
In our Baby Room we have a highly experienced, warm and friendly welcoming staff team whose priority is to follow the home routine of each baby as closely as possible to ensure that familiar routines are maintained. We provide a variety of stimulating activities in a bright, caring and calm environment to promote your baby’s all-round development and explore their natural curiosity.
Quality experiences and resources are planned around the child's needs, interests and preferences and are age appropriate. These experiences include story and song time, musical instruments, creative activities, sensory and heuristic play.
Our outdoor area for babies and toddlers is safe and secure with a decked area, artificial grass, dens, sensory areas, large sand pits along with a wide variety of stimulating outdoor play equipment.
Children’s progress and attainment is recorded regularly on their Learning Journals by staff. Parents will be given a unique and individual sign in code enabling parents to login and follow your own child’s progress throughout their time at nursery. The profile can be viewed at any time. Parents are encouraged to contribute to your child’s learning journals throughout their journey.
Parents receive a daily diary at the end of each day. This is a great communication link for the child’s keyworker to be able to report back on experiences your child has taken part in throughout the day and for parents to feedback. It also informs parents about feeding and changing routines.
Babies regularly enjoy visits to the nearby park, walks within the community and stories at the local library.

Parents and grandparents are invited to our fun seasonal rhyme times and enjoy joining in with their babies with action songs and rhymes for events such as Easter, Halloween and Christmas.
Parents are asked to supply nappies, wipes and milk to ensure continuity between home and nursery for all babies. We are a breast-feeding friendly nursery and support mothers returning to work who still wish to breast feed.
Staff are guided by the Pre-Birth to Three document and Building the Ambition.
We adhere to staff: child ratios as set by the Care Inspectorate.